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I would like to receive encouraging weekly emails about Biblical marriage, parenting, and homemaking. Encourage me. Yes! Please sign me…
Are you struggling with time management?
Most of you know I homeschooled three of our children from pre-school through high school. All of them even did some home college. I've been done a few years but wanted to continue to provide solid ideas for you who are still homeschooling. Plus, all of us face our…
If you enjoy animals, you need to read Tails and Purrs.
It's perfect for reading around the fireplace on a cool evening. Wrap in a warm blanket and just enjoy yourself.
I am so glad I read this book. It’s a delightful way to get to know the author a bit. Instead of somewhat boring details,…
While we wish you all the Lord's best, we would also like to offer you a freebie. Please see it at the end of this post.
This will be my last post for this year. That sounds sad...
I want to use this time to spend time with my family, and for you to spend…
Missing in action!
But I'll take time for a quick note about a couple of things I wanted to share.
I know it's been a while since I've posted. Life is moving faster than I can keep up. How about you?
I've been involved with several people who are trying to practice…
Last week during my quiet time, I read a devotional that pricked my heart.
It was about finishing well.
A few projects immediately popped into my mind.
The book I'm writing.
The closets I'm cleaning out.
The paperless class I'm in.
What does all of that have to do with my title - reading…
When You Love Someone with Cancer
The article above is the first article I wrote with this title. The boy in the photos is our son Eric. He had leukemia when he was 18 months old. He required 3 1/2 years of chemo and this is him today with his wife and daughter.
Loving someone with cancer…