If you enjoy animals, you need to read Tails and Purrs.
It’s perfect for reading around the fireplace on a cool evening. Wrap in a warm blanket and just enjoy yourself.
I am so glad I read this book. It’s a delightful way to get to know the author a bit. Instead of somewhat boring details, she gives us peeks into her life by introducing us to her pets. I’ve only had a couple of pets, but I could certainly relate to some of her stories.
She brings herself and her pets to life as she tells about their relationship. She’s very open about her losses and attempts not to love another pet, but as is so often the case, when you see the right animal your heart just won’t let you hold back your feelings.
All you animal lovers should really get a copy, you will love each of her pets as you hear about their antics and special ways. I’ve lost count of how many she’s had, but there are enough to keep you reading and relating for quite a while.
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