I think I have!
After a year like this, I'm sure you've had as many adjustments as I've had. I could list them, but I won't.
I read somewhere that if you threw everyone's troubles into a pile, you would still pick out your own.
When I hit a low spot, I try to look around me…

I think starting the new year out with a freebie is a great idea. How about you?
I received this offer and liked it so much I asked if I could share it with you.
All you need to do is click the link to Amanda's page and you can get this beautiful journal too. I'm…
I've been known to say, "I can't imagine how someone without Jesus could get through this."
I've said it several times this year.
When we face tough things in our lives, it is meant to make us more Christ-like. That will only happen if we draw closer to Him as we walk through our situation with Him…
Last week during my quiet time, I read a devotional that pricked my heart.
It was about finishing well.
A few projects immediately popped into my mind.
The book I'm writing.
The closets I'm cleaning out.
The paperless class I'm in.
What does all of that have to do with my title - reading…
"Other lords have had dominion over me; they have made me miserable by keeping my Lord, my happiness, from me. Cast out these intruders, take possession of me, and be mine forever." David Clarkson
This was the quote in today's email from our pastor. He finds ones that really make me think, so I thought I…
"When my worry meter starts heading for the red zone, I remember this unshakeable truth: "For with God, nothing is impossible." Luke 1:37" Liz Curtis Higgs
Instead of watching or listening to the news, I try to do these three things each day. I am prone to worry and wander.
Prone to Wander Lord I Feel It

Are you free to follow your heart?
I guess that depends on who you ask.
God's word says:
"The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jer 17:9 KJV
R. C. Sproul, Jr. says "Our calling isn't to follow our hearts. Our calling is to have our hearts informed by, directed by,…