I think I have!
After a year like this, I'm sure you've had as many adjustments as I've had. I could list them, but I won't.
I read somewhere that if you threw everyone's troubles into a pile, you would still pick out your own.
When I hit a low spot, I try to look around me…

I know the prayers of my friends got me through.
I'm grateful that I could celebrate my husband's birthday before the three days of pain began from my surgery. I know there are chronic pain suffers out there and know that you understand. After surviving, you are wiped out. I'm in that wiped out stage…

Are you struggling with time management?
Most of you know I homeschooled three of our children from pre-school through high school. All of them even did some home college. I've been done a few years but wanted to continue to provide solid ideas for you who are still homeschooling. Plus, all of us face our…

Remember my post on Asian Beetles?
The story of our two-year infestation that we finally found a solution to? If you don't remember, you can look at it here:
Taking Hospitality Too Far
My other story about pests is when we bought our first home. It was a fixer-upper and had lots of mice.
I told my husband I…