We Start Spring Cleaning
If you start Spring cleaning in February, you can think Spring is coming! If that doesn't cheer you up, you can always think about
having your cleaning done so you can enjoy Spring when it actually gets here.
I've written a lot about cleaning because it's something that I think is valuable to…
Finish In This Lifetime
I'm still working on my spring cleaning.
I know, it's almost fall.
I think I'll have to combine the two this year.
I'm using a new criteria this year and I've had to go back over some things several times in order to really clean them out…
Spring Cleaning Blessings
Spring Cleaning Blessings using my new cleaning method:
If you haven’t read Spring Cleaning Part one or Spring Cleaning Part two you should.
We filled our extended minivan twice and our pick-up twice with things for Goodwill.
We filled a full sized pick-up with things for our church’s youth garage sale.
We gave bags and bags…
Advantages and disadvantages of my new
method of spring cleaning.
If you haven’t read Part one you should check it out here.
First the disadvantage of my new spring cleaning method:
It took a lot longer than 2-3 days. Sometimes it seemed like we would never finish. That is the only real disadvantage I can think…
I’m still at it – spring cleaning is moving right along at our house. Lets start on closets...
One thing I’m doing that is working well, is only working on it while I’m motivated. Once I start to get weary about making choices I leave it for a while and work on something that demands a…
If you remember, at the end of my post a week ago or so, I had gotten all these boxes out of our storage area and planned to shred what we didn’t need. - Here is the stack I started with. Ten boxes full of tax papers and information.
I had paperwork from as far…
I found this article so interesting that I decided to share it with you this week.
What Daughters Need From Dads
Ken R. Canfield, Ph.D.
The National Center for Fathering
Relating to daughters doesn't always come naturally for dads, but we can learn to connect in affirming ways. We testosterone-filled males can relate well to girls, and it…