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Empty Drawers and Empty Boxes, Oh My – Part 3 #AfterMyCoffee Link Up

Empty Drawers and Empty Boxes, Oh My - Part 3 #AfterMyCoffee Link Up

I’m still at it – spring cleaning is moving right along at our house. Lets start on closets…

One thing I’m doing that is working well, is only working on it while I’m motivated. Once I start to get weary about making choices I leave it for a while and work on something that demands a different type of brain power.

©Write the Vision
©Write the Vision

What a mess! I’ve avoided this space for a long time. This closet ends up being the place where we put orphan items – things that have no home.

It’s also home to several sizes of clothes that no longer fit me. Can anyone relate?

I finally decided that if I lose weight I’ll buy new clothes, and Dan agreed, so here we go.

As I sorted through things I made a pile of what I thought I should get rid of and what I should keep. Then one of my daughters came up and confirmed my choices. I only kept two items that she thought I should get rid of, but she put a couple things back in that I had in the giveaway pile. This process was a great help to me.

These are kitchen sized trash bags and they are all stuffed as full as possible.

©Write the Vision
©Write the Vision


I still have a couple of areas to work on, but I’ve made a huge dent. I’m glad to be passing on things that someone else will be able to use. I think this will take several times of purging before I get it down to only what I wear and need.

©Write the Vision
©Write the Vision

With this verse in mind, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1Co 14:40 KJV
my ongoing plan is:

• To work with my daughters to put things together so I know what skirt goes with what shirt and accessories, and what looks best on me. We’ve done about four sets and it really helps to get ready, especially on Sundays since I have my go-to outfits.

• I also have a Goodwill bag handy and anytime I put something on and decide not to wear it – again – I will put it right in the Goodwill bag.

I’m hoping these simple steps will prevent me from keeping more than I need or wear.

Stay tuned – next is the front closet. Jackets, jackets everywhere!

And now – for my first time co-hosting a linky party!

First a couple of my favorites from last week

4 Most Important Social Media Profiles for Writers


After My Coffee Blog Hop Linky Party at Prairie Dust Trail


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©Write the Vision

Finding Joy in the Journey,

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  • Erin
    Posted March 23, 2015 at 5:46 PM

    Great post!

    Saying *Hello!* from the encouraging Monday link-up!

  • Nicole
    Posted March 21, 2015 at 6:12 PM

    We have been doing a lot of going through stuff since moving from GA. It can be a task!

  • Alex
    Posted March 21, 2015 at 8:55 AM

    I am a huge advocate of keeping only clothing that you love & use. It really is an ongoing process. I’ve started a little over a year ago and I’m still not happy! 😉 Maybe because I make baby step adjustments after the first bigger purge.

    Visting from the Friendship Friday linkup, Have a nice weekend 🙂

    Alex – Funky Jungle

    • Post Author
      Phyllis Sather
      Posted March 21, 2015 at 1:16 PM

      I agree Alex – it does need to be ongoing. That’s why I’ve decided to keep a bag/box nearby and if I put something on and decide not to wear it – not because it isn’t appropriate, but because I’m not comfortable or don’t like how it looks, I will throw it in the Goodwill box rather than hang it back up. This really does work.

  • Suzie@homemaker-mom
    Posted March 19, 2015 at 4:58 PM

    Great job! We are all the time decluttering to keep some balance around here lol! Happy to spot your blog and hop over from Friendship Friday!

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