Advantages and disadvantages of my new
method of spring cleaning.
If you haven’t read Part one you should check it out here.
First the disadvantage of my new spring cleaning method:
It took a lot longer than 2-3 days. Sometimes it seemed like we would never finish. That is the only real disadvantage I can think of.
Second, the advantages of my new spring cleaning method:
- As I stuck to my word that we would quit after we finished the one area chosen for the day my cleaning crew began to believe me and thus didn’t mind so much when cleaning was on the schedule for the day.
- We were able to continue school during this time since cleaning only took and hour or so of our day and we only cleaned on the days that we didn’t have too many obligations – like piano lessons or art class
- We did a much better job. We took time to pray first that we would be able to get rid of things we didn’t need and that someone else could use and we always put on uplifting music.
- We discovered that some of the areas that we cleaned first last year and did a really good job on – like the linen closet – were still in pretty good shape and only needed a quick straighten and wipe down.
- This lead to a good discussion on what I call maintenance – maintaining what you’ve done so you don’t have to redo it so often. The linen closet was living proof that if you put everything in its place when you are done it can really stay orderly. And one of my favorite rules: A place for everything and everything in its place! If we didn’t have a place for something we tried to decide if we really needed it or if it was time to pass on to someone else.
- We became a team! We all began to see the progress we were making and became creative in how we organized things. We actually began to take pleasure in seeing an area or room come together and look so nice. After 12 years in this house there were areas that hadn’t been touched in a long, long time – it was like reclaiming lost ground. When we cleaned out the attic we realized we might actually have room for a bumper pool table or ping pong table.
- When we got to the basement we had absolutely no idea what we wanted to do, only that we were all tired of what we had. We had 5 desks but none of the dc used theirs for school anymore. They all went to their rooms or strayed in the kitchen with me. But… their desks were filled with stuff! Dad was home so we called a family meeting. In the beginning we batted around ideas, but no one could agree. Finally we prayed. I really believe the Lord gave us ideas with the end result being a nice family room that we all love being in and spend most of our time in. It’s next to Dad’s desk so when he has work to do we can sit there with him and read or do hand work and still be together which is so much nicer than him being in the basement and us being upstairs.
- We didn’t fight or get angry at each other. There were some heated discussions, but mainly on how we would do something, not over having to do something.
- Now that they are older and know how to clean, I can just tell them what areas I would like them to be responsible for and they work it into their schedule.
- Yes, this whole process trained my children to know how to do spring cleaning, and to do it well.
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much…” Luke 16:10 ESV
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What a great post! I love your idea of cleaning this way. Spring cleaning is such hard work and long days but I like how you did it in increments. Thank you so much for sharing this post on my Counting Our Blessings linkup!
Blessings – Julie
Phyllis Sather
It’s a plan I’m still using about 15 years later so it seems to work. Thanks for stopping by Julie.
Laurie Sanders
I really enjoyed your post about spring cleaning. It sounds like the chore really ended up being a positive event for you and your family. It’s particularly great that you were able to get a family room from cleaning out things you no longer needed in the basement. My husband and I live in a house that was once a family grocery store, after that it was an auto parts store for a while and then a church and a youth center. We bought it when the church sold it and turned it into a single family home. One of the things that we like best about it is that there is one big open room which is about 1400 square feet. It houses our office, our living room, and my sewing room so that no matter what we’re doing we’re in the same general space. We both like that.
Phyllis Sather
Your house sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing.