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Do This Instead Of Worrying

“When my worry meter starts heading for the red zone, I remember this unshakeable truth: “For with God, nothing is impossible.” Luke 1:37″ Liz Curtis Higgs

Instead of watching or listening to the news, I try to do these three things each day. I am prone to worry and wander.

Prone to Wander Lord I Feel It

To fix my eyes on Jesus so I don’t worry, I do these things.

I subscribe to the Presidential Prayer Team Newsletter.

It gives you the daily schedule of the president and suggestions for prayer. They have a thoughtful devotion at the end. Helps me to know how to pray for him. Also reminds me to pray for him.

They also send out a weekly email about other politicians to pray for.

They don’t belong to either political side. I got their emails on Obama too, and they just tell the facts and what they have scheduled for the day.

This is a link for the weekly email on other officials

I subscribe to AFA Action

They tell us about the latest items we should be aware of. In this post, they tell about removing more monuments. They also give you a simple way to contact your Senator and Representatives to encourage them to do what is right.

This is a Christian group. They also keep track of viable boycotts. We’ve followed this group for 30+ years. We picketed a big store that was giving a huge donation every year to an abortion group. Boycotting them for 11 years along with thousands of others was a challenge. We were kept up to date on the boycott by AFA Action. They tell you if the boycott is still viable. After 11 years the store agreed to stop giving to them.

Am. Center for Law and Justice

I subscribe to The American Center for Law and Justice

They send out daily emails about what they are working on legally. This is conservative, and that works with abortion and other conservative issues. They often have petitions to sign on various topics and make it easy to be involved. They had one when the Navy said no one could go to church. This changed their mind after one day and said they could pray.

It does work when they get thousands of signatures.

There you have it. If three are too many just start following one – now would be a great time to pray for the president! But ask the Lord to show you how he would like you to be involved.

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