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More Blogs to Bless You Found While I Was Snowed In

More Blogs to Bless You Found While I Was Snowed In. So…after reading some Scripture and praying with my girls I spent some time looking at sites I rarely have time to visit. I found some amazing blogs that I would like to share with you.

We actually got snowed in during our recent 9 inch snowfall. My husband and son went to church early in the truck with 4-wheel drive, but I decided not to attempt in in the van.

 Snow 2 13


snow 2 13


So…after reading some Scripture and praying with my girls I spent some time looking at sites I rarely have time to visit. I found some amazing blogs that I would like to share with you.

The Thankful-homemaker put in words the way I clean for the most part.

“So back to the tip of the day.  “If it bothers you clean it.” If you notice the light fixture in your bathroom is dusty.  Clean it if it bothers you.  Fingerprints on the light switch plate.  Take care of it.  Wet paw prints in the foyer, wipe them up.  Did you empty the garbage can and the can looks a little nasty, clean it. Can you write your name in the dust on the coffee table, dust it?  Most of these tasks take five minutes but it is still keeping you moving forward in taking care of your home. “

Won Without Words has a free printable “Let me count the ways” note that looks like a great idea for Valentine’s Day.

If you need a good laugh go to and read the 615 comments on their recipe for making ice cubes.

These are all things I’ve been able to share with my daughters, especially the cleaning tip. Remember, more is caught than taught.

This cleaning tip put into teachable words what I’ve done for years. Now I’m focusing on training my daughters (and son) what should bother them. I think we all need to be taught to notice things that are out of place or need to be tidied. It’s always helpful for a mom to have someone else tell your children how something should be done. Somehow it offen seems like a much better idea when it comes from another authority figure.

Children need to see that their parent’s love each other so I asked them to help me think of ways I could love their Dad.

And laughter is always good for you.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Find a way to bless those you love.

Finding Joy in the Journey,


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An Original Belle
Becoming a strong woman of God
Blessed Beyond A Doubt
Comfy In the Kitchen
Deep Roots AT Home
Delightful Homemaking for the Lord
Encourage My Heart
Far Above Rubies
Finding Joy
Good Morning Girls
Growing Home
Heavenly Homemakers!
Holy Spirited Homeschooling
Homemaker by Choice
lowercase letters
Marital oneness
Mom’s the Word
Passionate and Creative Homemaking
Raising Homemakers
Simply Living For Him
Teaching What is Good
The Modest Mom
The Better Mom
Time-Warp Wife
What Joy is Mine
Wifey Wednesdays
Women Living Well

Countrified Chicks

The Proverbs 31 Sanctuary

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