I know the prayers of my friends got me through.
I’m grateful that I could celebrate my husband’s birthday before the three days of pain began from my surgery. I know there are chronic pain suffers out there and know that you understand. After surviving, you are wiped out. I’m in that wiped out stage today.
Let me know if you have anything I can pray about for you by leaving me a comment or emailing me privately.
I had little computer time since I wasn’t able to use my right hand, but reading one article really added a spark to my day.
Like some of you, I too have a lot of recipe books and have been purging. I have handwritten ones from family members. Off and on I try to get them into shape so my children will be able to use them. I’m so pleased that my daughter-in-law uses them. Sometimes she even makes great changes that I try. I use her’s too.
You can find that article here:
Organizing Recipes by Jennifer Lambert
How do you keep your recipes? Share your tips so we can try them.
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