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Love to Travel? National Travel Month is Here

If you love travel the way our family does you are not

going to want to miss these articles!

Love to Travel
Word Travel

Even if you don’t love to travel you won’t want to miss these articles, because you will learn some new things that will make you want to travel.

When we got married I had been on exactly two trips in my entire life. Dan’s family on the other hand traveled as often as possible. When we visited them we often spent the evening eating popcorn while watching slides of family vacations.

I loved it!

For someone who had never been anywhere it was fascinating to think that people actually went to all these places.

I quickly adopted Dan’s families tradition of traveling and we’ve traveled as often as possible.

Car trips are by far my favorite way to travel and I’ll be writing about it during the month.

Our 3000 to 4000 mile September car trips have created so many memories and we’ve had so much fun together. Travel has bonded our family like nothing else could. Even the difficult times are funny now and we often watch our home movies together so we can relive these events.

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  • Jennifer Reyneri
    Posted May 2, 2016 at 10:17 PM

    So excited to have you along again, Phyllis and can’t wait to read your post about the journey! I totally agree with you!

    • Post Author
      Phyllis Sather
      Posted May 3, 2016 at 9:11 AM

      Thanks Jen. I’m grateful to be a part of this group too. I love encouraging people to travel.

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