About the Book, Body Image Lies Women Believe:
- Are you insecure about your looks?
- Have you ever compared yourself to someone else and found yourself wanting?
- Do complements or put downs determine the image you have of your beauty?
Real Stories of Overcoming Body Image Lies Women Believe with God’s Truth
Throughout this book, Christian women share their stories of how they have struggled with body image lies and a distorted view of themselves. However, each of their stories also contains hope – the hope of replacing these lies with God’s truth. Our prayer for you is that you find encouragement within these pages and allow Christ to transform you with His truth.

By Shelley Hitz and contributing authors
We Are Each Created Unique
God has created each one of us with unique abilities, unique talents and a unique personality. As women we are influencers and God has given us that role and our beauty to share with others. Yet so often we settle for a counterfeit. The enemy has counterfeited our idea of beauty, convincing us to share our beauty with the world in a distorted way. Today that often means that we see our beauty as what we look like on the outside.
What Lies Have You Been Believing?
Join us for the journey of replacing body image lies with truth from God’s Word.
Shelley Hitz
Shelley Hitz is an award-winning and international best-selling author. Her openness and vulnerability as she shares her own story of hope and healing through her books will inspire and encourage you.
Shelley has been ministering alongside her husband, CJ, since 1998. They currently travel and speak to teens and adults around the country. Shelley’s main passion is to share God’s truth and the freedom in Christ she has found with others. She does this through her books, websites and speaking engagements.
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Kimberly Listrud
I am grateful for my family and friends who give me so much joy and make me feel truly blessed.
I am too Kimberly. Thanks for entering the drawing.
I’m grateful for sleeping kids! 🙂
Ah yes.
Marcy @ Ben and Me
I am grateful for sunshine! It’s been a long winter.
Me too – I was in a blizzard just last week – 17 inches of snow in 24 hours – then 3-4 more the next day. And its May. I’m so ready for sunshine.