“When I became a Christian, I thought my troubles would be over. I assumed Christians were free from trouble.” Millie Stamm in Be Still and Know
She goes on to say, “We have not been promised exemption from trouble, but we are assured help in the midst of it.
David had learned to turn to God in his times of difficulty. Although deliverance wasn’t always immediate, God’s presence was with him in the midst of his trouble. Though he was surrounded BY trouble, he was revived IN it.”
Do you know that the Lord has brought you to the place you are today?
That He will use this trial to form you into the likeness of His Son?
That He knows exactly what you need today, and will walk beside you each step of the way?
That He promises to revive you in the midst of your trouble?
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou will revive me.” Psalm 138:7
Finding Joy in the Journey,
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Phyllis Sather
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