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Why Would You Want To Be More Intentional?

Part 3 –

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Your Intentions and Purpose Can Be Big Or Small

  • One thing that seems to scare people away from embracing the whole idea of living with purpose and being more intentional in what they do is that they think it is too big of a task to tackle.
  • The Lord is faithful. If He asks you to do something He will give you all you need to accomplish it.
    • “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” 1Th 5:24 ESV
  • One of our goals as homeschool parents was to teach our children how to learn and to love learning.
    • We tried to make learning fun. We studied things they enjoyed – and math,  which no one really enjoyed.
    • One summer we read a dozen or so books on the Civil War. Then we traveled to Gettysburg, James Town, and everything in that area. Seeing the amazement on their faces when they realized that things we read about were real was wonderful.
  • As young adults, they are now mostly self-taught. If they want to know something they just look it up on the internet and learn.

Being Intentional Can Help You Find Meaning In Life

  • One of the biggest benefits of being intentional is that it can help you find a lot of meaning in life, even in the small, everyday things you do. That may end up being more important than you think. In this day and age, we’re so often completely disconnected from the end result of what we do. We do our job, live in our little bubble with no idea of how what we do affects others in a positive way.
  • We are social creatures who at our core love to help others and have a positive impact on the world around it. Without that knowledge, and with this disconnect, it’s no surprise that depression is now more of a problem than ever before.
  • Turn to being intentional and living with the purpose to bring meaning back into your life. Not only is it a wonderful way to prevent and combat depression, it also greatly increases your happiness.


Being Intentional Means Finding Your Passion

  • As we live more intentionally and start to pay attention to what’s important to us, we figure out what our passions are.
  • Becoming more intentional with how you spend your free time, for example, you may rediscover an old hobby and find that you’re still quite passionate about it.
  • Without intent, we often let other stuff get in the way and we feel that we simply don’t have time to indulge in our favorite hobby. Once we rediscover or find out what we are passionate about, we can make sure we make time for it, no matter what that passion is. Get back into gardening, dig out the sewing machine, restore the car that’s been sitting in the garage, get back on your bike… do more of what makes you happy.


Being Intentional Helps You Leave A Legacy

  • Most of us don’t like to think about it, but our life on this earth is finite.
  • We only have a few decades before we are gone. If we live our life with purpose, following the Lord, we can leave a legacy behind.
  • I know I want to hear the Lord say this and I’m sure you do too:
    • “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ “Matt 25:21 ESV
  • We don’t have to have an international ministry for the Lord to be pleased with us. We need to be faithful to do well with what the Lord gives us – our husbands, children, our home, or being a missionary if the Lord gives that.
  • Being intentional with your life as you examine what you do and the relationship with the people you love most. This, in turn, will help you craft and leave that legacy without even having to think about it or try.
  • I hope this short introduction of the many benefits of being more intentional in what you do helps you start to think about what you can do in your own life.
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