The battery in my van was dead. I was in town with my daughter. First thing I did was call my son who was home without a vehicle – not sure what I expected him to do, but it seemed like the right thing to do at the moment.
He suggested I try to get someone to jump it since I had battery cables in the back. I did that and it started right up. So, I took it to get the battery tested and sure enough it was dead.
What to do…
My husband always buys Sears Die Hard batteries, good thing I pay attention so some of those details, so I went to Sears and asked them if they still carried the same battery, they did – middle of the line like Dan always buys. It would cost $140 and they could put it in within half an hour.
We left the van and walked to a nearby fast food place for lunch.
I was thankful that I had been able to get it started so I could get it tested. I was grateful that Sears still carried the same battery and that I knew that is what Dan would want me to replace it with, and I was grateful that Sears could do it so quickly. I was also grateful that we had that much in our checking account.
All in all as far as car problems go, this seemed to be minor in the big scheme of things.
Much to my surprise when we went to pick up the van we were only charged $75. The cheerful attendant said they had checked our records and our old battery was still under warranty and they would replace it at half the cost of a new one.
Since I had never even considered that I was so blessed that a company would go out of their way to be sure we were getting the best service they could offer.
We all know this doesn’t happen every day. Goof service often seems like a thing of the past in this fast paced world of everyone for themselves.
After these last weeks filled with disappointments and realizing that our country is in far worse trouble then I had thought, I was so blessed by this act of genuine customer service.
Thank you Sears!
I wanted to let you know about several giveaways this week.
Beth Cranford from Homeschool Toolbox has a drawing for two copies of her book It’s Me or the Coupons. Enter here
Marcy at Homeschool Giveaway has a drawing for a $15 Amazon gift card.
Finding Joy in the Journey,
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Jacqueline @
We like Diehard batteries, too. So glad there are still some companies who give quality service! Glad to see you at Deep Roots 🙂 I appreciate your blog.
Hi Jacqueline – fun to see you on my site. Thanks for stopping by.