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The Benefit of a Routine & Habit Filled Day

Using Routines to make habits

The Benefit of a Routine

Have you noticed that it gets harder to make decisions toward the end of the day? You’re too tried to figure out what to have for dinner or what to watch on TV. That’s because we all have a finite amount of decisions that we can make in any given day.

  • Knowing that helps us prioritize.
  • We can cut out a lot of decision making by implementing habits and routines. That way we save them for the important stuff. It also frees brain space for more creative and productive thinking.
  • Routines are a great tool that simplify our lives and cut out a lot of our daily stress.

Chances are you already have a morning routine.

You get up, you get your coffee, read the paper or check email and fix some toast before heading into the shower.

Let’s expand on that. If you create a “uniform” for yourself, you don’t even have to think about what to wear. You just grab a pair of pants and a shirt, or a skirt, tights and sweater and off you go.

Implement some routines into your workday wherever possible. Meal planning helps you figure out what meals to fix and eat. A cleaning schedule makes sure you stay on track with your household chores without you having to spend any valuable decision making skills in the process.

Wrap your day up with a bedtime routine that not only helps when you’re too tired to make smart choices, it also helps you fall asleep more easily. What works for your toddler works for you as well.

  • Start by doing a few chores that make the next morning easier.
  • Making sure the kitchen is clean and the kids’ school things are in order are great examples.
  • Come up with a few calming things that help you slow down and get ready for sleep. Read a book, listen to some music or wind down with a cup of herbal tea.

Next, see if you can put some other routines in place.

  • Sit down with a pen and piece of paper. Think about what parts of your day and week you can turn into routines.
  • Write the down and create daily to-do lists for yourself until you’ve established these new habits and routines.

Spending a little bit of time creating routines and habits will make your day run a lot smoother. You will find yourself less stressed and get more done during your productive hours. And that’s a beautiful thing. It allows you to save plenty of decision making for the fun stuff like figuring out what park to go to, what family movie to watch or what board game to play.

Our God is a God of order. He will help us if we ask. Putting good habits in place helps us to be good stewards of all he has given us.

“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” – Gen 1:31 ESV

If you would like to read the first four posts in this series:

Part 1  So You Want to Start a New Habit

Part 2 Which Will See You Through, Willpower or Habits?

Part 3 Does It Really Take That Long to Create a New Habit?

Part 4 Get Some Help – Simple Hacks To Help You Build New Habits

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  • Krystal
    Posted July 6, 2016 at 9:26 AM

    Yes! This is something I used to be so good at. Lately, I’ve really been struggling with finding my routine in a season with new normals….I WILL get back on track! Thanks for the post!!

    • Post Author
      Phyllis Sather
      Posted July 7, 2016 at 2:52 PM

      I find I am constantly having to adjust my routine. Things just keep changing. At least we won’t get bored, right, Krystal?

  • Crystal Twaddell
    Posted July 2, 2016 at 9:53 PM

    Phyllis, you are speaking my language! I thrive on routine, but it has always been a part of my make-up. Yes, God is a God of order, and I think we make ourselves more available to his plan when we live our lives in order. He’s also an intentional God, and I can’t imagine living life without some form of intention. You should join the Fresh Market Friday Linkup…it is all about living with intention and passion, and this is a perfect fit!

    • Post Author
      Phyllis Sather
      Posted July 3, 2016 at 4:16 PM

      Thanks for stopping by Crystal and for your encouraging words. I checked out your site – very interesting. I’ll be spending a little more time there and will definitely linkup.

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