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Is One Of Your Goals To Be A Life Long Learner?

Is One Of Your Goals To Be A Life Long Learner?


This was one of the goals of our homeschool. We wanted to teach our children how to learn, and to love learning. With the hope that they would become lifelong learners.

If they wanted to know or learn something we showed them the resources they could use.

Our daughters are both self-taught to work in their professions. Our son went into computer work. He learned a lot on his own, took some online classes and tested out of several certificates he needed. Then he finished up at a local college.

None of them had any debt, and are working in fields they love.

Why am I telling you this?

Because as adults we need to be life long learners too.

My husband’s career requires that he have a certain number of hours of training each year.

We applied this to our home too.

Each year I try to read one book on marriage and one book on parenting. I call it my continuing education.

If other professions require it how much more do homemakers need to keep themselves reminded of the huge job they have as wives and mothers.

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