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How to Recommit Yourself to Your Healthy Habits this Spring 

Today I have a special guest post that I’m quite excited about.

As most of you know, I’ve really been down with breast cancer and complications. I’m trying to plug habits I had well-established back into place.

For instance, brushing my teeth. You may say really, Phyllis, you stopped brushing your teeth! When my fatigue was the worst I remember standing at the bathroom sink and thinking, I can’t brush my teeth. I can’t floss. Mouthwash, yes, I can do that. I went to the dentist yesterday and thankfully my teeth didn’t suffer too much over the last year. Having them cleaned is my incentive to pick up bushing, flossing, and using mouthwash.

How about exercise? That too fell by the wayside. I had in place to exercise on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The rule was I couldn’t talk to myself about it – I just did it. I’ve only gotten back to once a week, or twice a week once in a while. I can always talk myself out of it, so I need to stop discussing it with myself again.

Receiving this article has really helped me to be more gracious to myself. It has given me measurable tools to see what I’m accomplishing instead of the broken record in my head that tells me I’ve failed again.

What healthy habits are you struggling to put back into place or just to put in place? Let us know in the comments.

I hope this article will help you too. Be sure to print out the habit trackers for visible help of your progress.

How to Recommit Yourself to Your Healthy Habits this Spring by Sophie Isbell

COVID-19 turned our world upside down in countless ways, forcing us to adapt to living in a way most of us had never experienced. Quarantine, social distancing, or working from home became the new normal, and for many, this shift had a negative impact on our healthy habits and routines.


If the last year has left you burnt out or lacking motivation, you aren’t alone—but Spring is approaching, and it’s the perfect time to reevaluate your wellbeing and slowly but surely get back on track with your habits and goals. If that sounds overwhelming, all you need is the right tools to support you along the way.

Start Where You Are

When it comes to getting back on track with your goals after leaving them on the back burner for some time, it’s common to want to pick up exactly where we left off as if no time has passed. Unfortunately, the reality is that we may need to give ourselves some time to reach the same levels of success we once had. 


As you ease yourself back into your pre-pandemic habits and goals, it’s important to remember that it’s okay if you’ve lost some progress. Remember to give yourself the grace to accept who you are in this moment, rather than beating yourself up for not measuring up to who you were a year ago. 

Be Realistic 

One of the biggest obstacles that stops people from actually sticking to their goals is setting unrealistic expectations. While you should certainly challenge yourself and move through the discomfort of working towards something you want, you should also make sure the goals and habits you set out to achieve are actually attainable. Otherwise, you’re more likely to burn out along the way and become discouraged, which causes many people to quit altogether. 


Take care to be realistic about what you can achieve in this moment, and choose goals you know you can commit to each day. It’s the small, daily progress that matters most. 


Track Your Progress

One key to success is utilizing tools and strategies that can streamline your efforts and support you along the way. To reduce the overwhelm of returning to your goals and habits, having a way to track your goals can come in handy. One way to do this is with visual goal tracking. Visual goal tracking provides some much-needed structure and accountability to the process and can help you stay focused and committed to what you’re working towards.

When you have an easy reference to your goals, what you’ve accomplished so far, and what you have left to go, you can find more clarity and encouragement along the way.

To help you get started, check out these printable habit trackers to help you implement a visual goal tracking system and finally get back to the things that matter most to you. It’s never too late to recommit to becoming the best version of yourself!

Wellness wheels

Sophie writes on behalf of Credit Repair about finance and productivity. Specifically, she is interested in removing the barriers of complicated financial topics and teaching financial literacy in a way that is accessible to all.

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