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How To Build a Vision

 How To Build a Vision with Purposeful Planning

How To Build a Vision – One step at a time.

Purposeful Planning is life planning, not simply homeschool planning. Matters of the home (both physical and relational), your marital relationship, the Lord’s calling for your family, your finances, your children and their character, as well as your homeschool plans, are all addressed. The Sather planning sessions began as a couple and later became a family event, but Phyllis encourages families to determine what is best for their own family. (…)” Donna Campos The Old Schoolhouse  Spring Issue

  • We have built a vision as a family and as individuals within that family.
  • It’s happened slowly, year after year, step by step.
  • I’ve never said it was easy because it isn’t.
  • Vacation time became prayer and planning time.
  • Facing the difficult issues has never been easy, and there are always difficult issues to discuss in every family.

Purposeful Planning

Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

Sir Winston Churchill is credited with another, oft repeated, saying: “Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.”

If you find yourself planning to fail, don’t despair.


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