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Happy Thanksgiving

As we take time to count our blessings this Thanksgiving, we want to let you know how thankful we are for you - our customers and friends who visit here weekly.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness.

As we take time to count our blessings this Thanksgiving, we want to let you know how thankful we are for you – our customers and friends who visit here weekly. We know your time is valuable so we do our best not to waste it by sending out unnecessary advertisements or sales information. Rather we try to send a note that will encourage you in your walk with the Lord.

Since a lot of you are homeschoolers we do want to let you know about the huge sale we are involved with at the Schoolhouse store.

We are happy to have some of our products listed there and thought some of you might be interested in the other products there as well.

The nice thing about their store is that the shipping is always free. Plus for this Black Friday Sale, they have a huge selection of free gifts that customers will receive at various bonus levels so you can get even more for your money. These gifts are an assortment of both downloadable products that you will have access to immediately and physical products that will be shipped right to your door.

Check out and be sure not to miss the sale items. My products are all 40% off too so you can get that something special for someone on your Christmas list.

Shop from your seat, not from your feet at the Schoolhouse Store November 24 – 29th!

Finding Joy in the Journey,


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Phyllis Sather

Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness at:

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