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Proclaiming God's Faithfulness
Proclaiming God's Faithfulness
Kind Corrections Editing Service
Hi, I’m Emily Sather. I have been a freelance editor for three or four years now – it’s difficult to give an exact amount of time, because I was doing the work for various friends and family members for some time before I put a name to it. I’ve worked on a wide variety of manuscripts, ranging from essays to fantasy novels, from a book about how to sell on eBay to editing for an internationally-distributed homeschooling magazine for over a year now. I’ve worked with both professional authors and very inexperienced writers. I can provide a variety of types and levels of editing services, from broad critiques and suggestions on early drafts to in-depth editing or final proofreading before publishing. When I send you corrections or suggestions, I will also offer explanations for why something should be done differently. I am willing to work on manuscripts of any length, from a magazine article to a full-length book. Resume and references are available upon request. Contact me for details on pricing. You can e-mail me at
Cute Kid Stories
Everyone loves a cute kid story. Send me your’s and I’ll post it for all to enjoy. Here is one from my friend Tamera Svanes: My daughter said something cute this morning.We were listening to KLove this morning and a message came on for Teen Challenge. At the end, they gave the 800 number to call. Olivia pipes up, “Mommy, Jesus doesn’t have a number. You can talk to Him any time you want.” Aren’t kids great? The Birthday Gift Our three children tumbled into my bed each carrying a brightly wrapped gift. Dad followed with a breakfast tray with fresh coffee, bagels, and cream cheese. It was my birthday. Eric our youngest was bouncing with anticipation as I began to open my gifts. “Which one will I like best?” I asked him. As he made little jumping motions he shouted, “The nighty!” I gave him a grin, while his older and wiser sisters who knew he shouldn’t’ tell me what my gifts were poked him and urged him to be quiet. I slowly opened each gift, showed the appropriate appreciation, and went on to the next one. The above scenario was repeated several times with Eric’s reply always…
I love quotes and have been collecting them for years. The problem is I can never use them often enough so I’ve decided to post some of my favorites every once in awhile. Feel free to send me some of your favorites to add to my collection. Phyllis Sather Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness at: “When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it’s time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.” ~Edward Teller “The author who benefits you most is not the one who tells you something you did not know before, but the one who gives expression to the truth that has been dumbly struggling in you for utterance.” Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest Here are two quotes from my friend Deanne Crawford: “Suffering isn’t the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience is.” Vietnamese Pastor (Voice of the Martyrs) “No teacher should strive to make others think as he thinks, but to lead them to the Living Truth; to the Master…
Kind Corrections Editing Service
Hi, I’m Emily Sather. I have been a freelance editor for three or four years now – it’s difficult to give an exact amount of time, because I was doing the work for various friends and family members for some time before I put a name to it. I’ve worked on a wide variety of manuscripts, ranging from essays to fantasy novels, from a book about how to sell on eBay to editing for an internationally-distributed homeschooling magazine for over a year now. I’ve worked with both professional authors and very inexperienced writers. I can provide a variety of types and levels of editing services, from broad critiques and suggestions on early drafts to in-depth editing or final proofreading before publishing. When I send you corrections or suggestions, I will also offer explanations for why something should be done differently. I am willing to work on manuscripts of any length, from a magazine article to a full-length book. Resume and references are available upon request. Contact me for details on pricing. You can e-mail me at
Cute Kid Stories
Everyone loves a cute kid story. Send me your’s and I’ll post it for all to enjoy. Here is one from my friend Tamera Svanes: My daughter said something cute this morning.We were listening to KLove this morning and a message came on for Teen Challenge. At the end, they gave the 800 number to call. Olivia pipes up, “Mommy, Jesus doesn’t have a number. You can talk to Him any time you want.” Aren’t kids great? The Birthday Gift Our three children tumbled into my bed each carrying a brightly wrapped gift. Dad followed with a breakfast tray with fresh coffee, bagels, and cream cheese. It was my birthday. Eric our youngest was bouncing with anticipation as I began to open my gifts. “Which one will I like best?” I asked him. As he made little jumping motions he shouted, “The nighty!” I gave him a grin, while his older and wiser sisters who knew he shouldn’t’ tell me what my gifts were poked him and urged him to be quiet. I slowly opened each gift, showed the appropriate appreciation, and went on to the next one. The above scenario was repeated several times with Eric’s reply always…
I love quotes and have been collecting them for years. The problem is I can never use them often enough so I’ve decided to post some of my favorites every once in awhile. Feel free to send me some of your favorites to add to my collection. Phyllis Sather Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness at: “When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it’s time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.” ~Edward Teller “The author who benefits you most is not the one who tells you something you did not know before, but the one who gives expression to the truth that has been dumbly struggling in you for utterance.” Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest Here are two quotes from my friend Deanne Crawford: “Suffering isn’t the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience is.” Vietnamese Pastor (Voice of the Martyrs) “No teacher should strive to make others think as he thinks, but to lead them to the Living Truth; to the Master…
Words for Writers
Thoughts on Challenging us to be Titus 2 Women Part 1
Marie Zalbe
February 11, 2017
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Thoughts on Challenging us to be Titus 2 Women By Bill Reeves Part 2
April 20, 2017
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