Torn Asunder by Alana Terry
Torn Asunder is the newest suspense novel from award-winning author Alana Terry. Torn Asunder is the story of Hannah and Simon, two North Korean refugees who sneak back into their country to serve as underground missionaries. In this world of spies, secret police, and informants, Simon and Hannah learn that staying together…
You've seen my reviews of her first two books and now the third one is available. If you enjoyed Beloved Daughter or Slave Again you're going to love her latest book - Torn Asunder.
Be sure to enter the drawing to win a free copy and download your free featured song.
Torn Asunder is the upcoming release from…
First, I've listed the prizes below and you will be able to enter the drawing at the bottom of my review.
$100 Amazon Gift Card
75 Choose-Your –Own Alana Terry Audiobook
25 Audiobook copies of “30 Days of Prayer to End Sex Slavery”
Unlimited “30 Days of Prayer to End Sex Slavery” ebook when you sign up the the…