And Jesus looking upon them saith, “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27
James from IvyPanda let me know of a recent post on dyslexia that he thought would be helpful to moms. I want to add it to my already published information on that topic hoping that someone will find helpful information for their situation.
I just recently heard this statement about dyslectics and got a good laugh out of it. It isn’t a new statement to many people because there are t-shirts, bags, bumper stickers, and even a song about it.
For some moms back to school means in addition to teaching our children we have one or more that will need special help.
[Tweet “For some moms back to school means in addition to teaching our children we have one or more that will need special help.”]
Learn to laugh at yourself
One of our daughters is dyslectic and I have quite a few of the tendencies too. We find it helpful not to take ourselves too seriously and have learned to joke about our transposed words, letters, and numbers. For a long time, she said she was lysdexic. And we said, You certainly are!”
We still laugh at going to Route Mushmore (that’s one of mine), our cursing blinker, the Specific Ocean, and as the flow cries. While its good to laugh and not take ourselves too seriously, we need to be aware of the point when it is no longer funny and becomes hurtful. We are all at different places of learning to laugh at ourselves.
Learning to cope
While being dyslectic is a serious disorder, you can learn to be productive and be able to do what you need to do to live well.
[Tweet “While being dyslectic is a serious disorder, you can learn to be productive and be able to do what you need to do to live well.”]
“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:14
My daughter and I are both published authors; our great editor Emily, manages to catch all of our mix-ups and be entertained by us as well. Some mix-ups can be quite hilarious – as our title reveals.
My daughter is also a freelance graphic designer and does beautiful work – all with dyslexia. She made the graphic for this article.
[Tweet “My daughter is also a freelance graphic designer and does beautiful work – all with dyslexia. “]
Dyslectics and numbers
Numbers are a different thing. Balancing a checkbook can be quite a challenge. Transposed numbers don’t balance very well. But given a quiet place, taking enough time, and carefully checking the numbers, I do manage to balance ours every month.
Realistically we knew she wouldn’t be training to do anything that required a lot of math, so we taught her consumer math so she would have the skills she would need to manage her personal affairs. And…someone with great math skills may not be able to do great graphics.
While you or your child’s symptoms may be different and more severe than ours, there is a lot of information from the Accessible Web Initiative now on their new website Dopa. While some things may take you more time and be more difficult for you than others, it is still very doable.
Tina Richardson has an excellent article on Dyslexia.
I’m thankful she took the time to read my article and send me this information.
Dyslexia is a serious learning disability
I also want to post a disclaimer here. I know that Dyslexia is a serious learning disability. We too had our days with tears and struggles over the difficulty of learning, or relearning something every day. This article is not meant to deny that, but to give you moms who are struggling with this a reason to hope.
Here are some free resources for preparing your home for someone with special needs.
Home Remodeling for Disability and Special Needs: What You Need to Know
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Alana Terry
What an encouraging article. Blessings on you and your daughter!
Phyllis Sather
Thank you.
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