This article from Wikipedia tells in detail the meaning of Advent.
They give the meaning of the word as: “Adventus is the Latin word for "coming", and is the exact Latin equivalent for the Greek word parousia, commonly used in reference to the Second Coming. Christians believe that the season of Advent serves a dual reminder…
What better time to begin working with our children on hospitality now that the holiday season is quickly approaching.
Early in our marriage, we had three small children and we wanted to be the best parents we could be. So we set out to kill two birds with one stone. We facilitated a parenting class in…
Kayla, a young lady who was homeschooled, has come up with a new definition of socialization to use in the workshops that she has developed for homeschooling parents. I liked it so much I asked her if I could use it in a post for my website.
“Protecting children from the world for a short time…