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Ultimate Homeschool Expo 2008

With homeschool conferences coming up I read this article by Cindy Short and Sue Welch from The Teaching Home with great interest. I think they've really covered most of the important aspects of attending your homeschool conference, whether you are attending for the first time or this is another of many you've attended, you will be…
I am really looking forward to this event which will be held from December 3rd-7th at Less of Me~More of Him.
The last open house that Tiany put together provided access to a lot of very interesting homeschool sites and a wealth of information from veteran homeschool moms. This time we will be…

We have no more than five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy food for all this people. Luke 9:13
“When Jesus said, “Give ye them to eat,” it was not because he expected his disciples to have a plan, but because he wanted them to expect a miracle.” Watchman Nee in A…

Marcia's article in the latest Homeschool Enrichment magazine caught my eye because I'm always looking for ways to be more effective in the use of my time. She offers some very helpful ways to order our lives. When I asked, she graciously allowed me to post her article here so all of you could gain…

Janice Campbell in her article “Socialization... Again” talks about how homeschoolers are frequently confronted by others about what they see as their lack of socialization.
If you’ve homeschooled for any length of time you too have been asked this question in one form or another.
How do we respond?
My “worst case scenario” situation happened many years ago…

©Write the Vision
Eric was diagnosed with Leukemia in July of 1991. That was the year our oldest daughter was to start school in the fall.
For years we had been praying about and planning on homeschooling our children. We knew several families with children older than ours who were homeschooling and we liked what we saw…