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Why Use Prayer Prompts?

“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man.”  Luke 21:36 KJV

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If you are like me, you tell people you will pray for them, and then forget. When you do remember the guilt feels overwhelming and you promise yourself that you will do better next time.

So what do you do with a verse like Luke 21:36? Pray always… If I struggle to remember to pray for friend’s requests, how do I pray always?

Why Use Prayer Prompts?

I’m definitely a work in process in my desire to pray for people, but I have found a couple of things that are helping me toward my desire to pray more often.

I post Scripture verses around the house. I wrote this last year, Surrounded by the Word . It might encourage you to read how simply having a few Scriptures posted thorough out your home can encourage you to pray – and prepare your heart for a quiet time.

Use recipes to remind you to pray. Sounds strange, huh? In this article Cookie Memories, I share how I remind myself to pray for the person I got the recipe from. There are a couple of fun cookie recipes there too! I have this verse on every recipe card as a reminder,

 “I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3

 I use street signs – that’s right – street signs. When we moved I found myself in unfamiliar driving situations. In an effort to learn my way around I attached people’s names to similar names of streets. It was a great way to learn my way around our new town, but I also use it as a reminder to pray for the person whose name I attached to that street name.

If someone asks me to pray in an email or on the phone, I try to stop right then and at least say a quick prayer for them.

“And he spake a parable unto them [to this end], that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;” – Luke 18:1 KJV

I also keep an ongoing list in the back of my journal. As I pray in the morning I run through that list and pray for those who need ongoing prayer.

Like I said, I’m very much a work in process in this area, but I do find these reminders helpful and I hope you will too as you put some or all of them in place in your life.

Finding Joy in the Journey,


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  • Rhoda
    Posted October 15, 2014 at 3:49 PM

    So glad to know that I am not the only one that uses prompts to remember people. There is a young man that is far from the Lord right now, but when I pass a certain restaurant that I know he likes, I pray for him. Also, whenever we are driving and we see an emergency vehicle, we pray–safety and wisdom for the responders, God’s presence and peace to that one or ones with the emergency, and that they might turn to Him not away during this time of crisis. We also finish by thanking God for the safety we have. I have had people ask me why I do this. One, I want my children to learn to pray, anywhere, anytime, about anything. Secondly, I hope and pray that some day if I am ever in an emergency situation, someone, somewhere will be praying for me.

    • Post Author
      Phyllis Sather
      Posted October 16, 2014 at 10:35 PM

      Thanks for sharing your ideas Rhonda. I’ll use some of them. Blessings, Phyllis

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