Victory is an interesting concept. It’s something we all desire in different areas of our life. We’ve all experienced it at sometime in our lives to one degree or another. Yet there is one unique thing about victory: It usually is very different than we imagined it would be.
For instance:
The disciples just never really got it. They constantly expected Jesus to set up His kingdom here on earth. The victory they expected with the arrival of the long awaited Messiah didn’t look anything like they expected. They certainly had difficulty realizing that His death was to be the final victory.
Mary of Bethany, who trusted Jesus to come in her crises, was bitterly disappointed when Lazarus died. She certainly didn’t expect to see victory after his death. What she did see was an amazing miracle and victory like she never thought possible. (John 11)
The Israelites never expected victory over Goliath to happen at the hands of David the shepherd boy, but there it was. (I Samuel 17)
Most of us prayed, fasted, and cried out to the Lord about this presidential election. Some of us even dared to hope that our David would slay the Goliath we saw pressing in on our country. But that didn’t happen – or at least it didn’t happen as we had envisioned it.
Could it be that the Lord has another picture of victory that he wants us to look at?
Most of the Christian leader’s sites that I follow have taken a “lets trust the Lord” outlook on the upcoming presidency of Mr. Obama. Looking at Proverbs 21:1 we find the source of their confidence, “The King’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever he will.”
Their Daily Devotional always gives important points for prayer.
There is even a Facebook site that has over 50,000 people praying for president elect Obama.
Perhaps there is more victory in this election than first meets the eye.
Finding Joy in the Journey,
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Phyllis Sather
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Oops, looks like I can spell – – – ” a hard concept”
This is had hard concept for some, Thanks for sharing and giving hope!
Its difficult for me too – I try to go there first and let my feelings follow. Thanks for stopping and for your kind words.
In times like this it certainly is good to know that the Lord is in control regardless of how things look or how I feel.
Kathie Morrissey
It is a comfort to know that God is the one who sets up rulers, and He is STILL in control. Thanks for linking up with us at Courtship Connection.
Carlie V
Hi Phyllis!
I found your site through the Friday Favourite Things link-up. Your post is so timely in discussing how victory doesn’t always look like we expect it to. And I love that you address Proverbs 21.1 as an explination for finding joy no matter how divergent outcomes are from what we expect.
I watched the election and the subsequent ‘fallout’ from Canada, and I think it’s wonderful to see that you view this recent disappointment as a victory placed squarely in the hands of God.
Thanks Carlie. I find when I quickly remember that the Lord is still in control disappointments aren’t nearly so difficult to deal with. We don’t see the big picture so we surely don’t know what the Lord is up to, but we do know that is is for our good. Have a blessed day.