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Aren’t vacations supposed to be fun and relaxing? This sounds like a good recipe for disaster, or at least some raised voices or lots of unhappy campers.Aren’t vacations supposed to be fun and relaxing?


We left home during a string of humid 90 degree days and our air conditioning quit a couple of days before we left. So we had to spend time getting estimates and deciding if our 17-year-old unit was worth repairing or if we needed to consider replacing it. Not to mention trying to accomplish packing and preparation without air conditioning.  We also had our lawn tractor in for repairs. They said it would take 2-3 days, but they didn’t even look at it until the day before we were leaving and our lawn definitely needed mowing before we left.

For some insane reason, I had also scheduled several doctor appointments for the day we were leaving.  We also had to rearrange our plans since the owners of the cabin we were renting were having a refrigerator delivered the morning after we arrived, the telephone at the cabin hadn’t been reconnected after the winter, and we discovered a leak in the cabin’s laundry room.

This sounds like a good recipe for disaster, or at least some raised voices or lots of unhappy campers.

Seeing the Lord Work

I had been the first one up this morning and had my morning coffee and quiet time before anyone else awoke. This in itself was amazing since our son has been up at 6 every morning since we arrived.

Upon discovering the leak this morning I thought, “What are you doing, Lord?” As I looked back over the last four days or so I was surprised at how well our family had handled all of these unexpected incidences. Not perfectly, of course, but we had been much calmer than I would have expected. I could definitely see the Lord’s hand on our lives. Just a few years ago we would not have handled this very well.

Learning To Be Thankful

I’m not normally very thankful for trials (or even changes in plans).  Today I was able to thank the Lord for all the challenges of these days. He helped me to see the growth in our family. We’re pulling together more, leaning harder on the Lord in difficult times, and learning to trust Him in all of our circumstances.

Now if I can continue to get along without a telephone or internet service we’ve got it made!

Finding Joy in the Journey,
Phyllis Sather
Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness at:

© 2007 Phyllis Sather


  • Phyllis
    Posted June 25, 2007 at 4:18 PM

    Tamar Says:
    June 22nd, 2007 at 11:36 am e
    This Scripture You shared here has been one that has spoke to my heart over and over again and I have come to Love hearing it as a daughter of the giver of peace it is how I imagine part of the conversation with Dad being like!

  • Phyllis
    Posted June 25, 2007 at 4:17 PM

    Jennifer Lopez Says:
    June 20th, 2007 at 7:09 am e
    Thank you for sharing Phyllis. It is amazing how when we lean on the Lord, He makes the trials seem so small. You’ve made me look back on a few of my own and LOL on how they were handled knowing that if the Lord was not present they would have ended in disaster.
    Thank you Phyllis for reminding me to always be thankful.
    Philippians 4:5-7:
    5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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