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New and revised: Purposeful Planning – E-Book
Chosen for the second year in a row to be part of The Old Schoolhouse Homeschooler Library
Why not complete your ebook with the companion materials?
We have a special offer for you if you already own Purposeful Planning. You can purchase the Handbook, the MP3 file, or both at discounted prices.
Purposeful Planning Handbook – $2.95 (regularly $5.95)
If you liked Purposeful Planning you will LOVE the Purposeful Planning handbook. Phyllis has made all the printable forms you will need to just pick up and go on your planning weekend. The forms include questions, Scripture, and quotes to get you and your husband talking about how and where the Lord wants to lead your family.
The format follows the topics in her book and you will be able to easily follow along as you discuss each item.
You won’t want to start your planning weekend without it!
Purposeful Planning Handbook – $2.95 (regularly $5.95)
Purposeful Planning MP3 – $5.95 (regularly $9.95)
Finally, for all you busy moms who just love to multitask, Purposeful Planning is available in MP3 format.
Or both for just $7.00 (regularly $14.95)
These little books have been so much fun to work with. We hope you enjoy them.
Dan’s Doodles I $2.95
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Check out our Victorian Jewelry
Perfect for that difficult to buy for person on your list.
Be sure to see our Holiday Collection
Be sure to check out the first book in our “Thoughts on…” series