I went to bed before 10 PM last night, unable to face the facts of the outcome of the presidential election. I woke several times during the night with heaviness in my heart over the election of Obama. Naturally, I awoke this morning with the same dark feelings – since I had been focusing on them off and on all night.
After exercising and showering I checked my e-mail to see if there was anything urgent to take care of before having my quiet time.
I found three articles that renewed my faith and woke my heart to the next right step.
The first was an e-mail from our pastor. I’ve attached it so you can read it here: Biblical Thoughts on Elections, Leaders, and Believers
The second was reading McCain’s concession speech.
I was impressed with his humble and gracious response.
And third, my e-mail from The Presidential Prayer Team. If you aren’t familiar with them you would do well to check it out. They send weekly reminders of how we can pray for the current president.
They are also starting 77 days of prayer for President elect Obama.
This last item is what set me off in a new direction. The Lord is still in control, and we need to pray for our leaders. Please join with me in the 77 days of prayer for President elect Obama.
Leave me a comment to let me know you will be joining me in this journey, and go to this link to sign up for the 77 days of prayer.
Learning how to find joy in this journey,
I would love to have the opportunity to keep in touch with you. Please sign up to be notified of new entries and to receive my Free E-zine. (Your address will not be shared)
Phyllis Sather
Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness at:
© 2008 Phyllis Sather
All rights reserved
Contact me at: Phyllis@Phyllis-Sather.com
God bless you greatly! I’ve been having some gliches with my computer however now am able to check my emails. What a great posting! I attended my weekly Bible study with my special group of ladies, two of which who have just returned from their mission trip to Senegal. Wow! We have it made here. What a 3rd world country’s citizen faces each day makes our outlook in life seem so trivial, even the most ‘spiritual’ of the US citizens. We do definitely have it made. They have to be concerned about the need for something to eat for maybe just one meal a day and we are concerned if we don’t have a green veggie or a colorful fruit to implement into our meat, starch, bread and dessert usually more than once a day. We are so blessed. Our leaders are definitely dealing with things that are of grave importance, but as I noticed when I woke up on Wednesday morning, the sun came up, it appeared that the earth was in the same turn as the day prior on its axis and God was (and still is) on His throne. As your pastor stated, there is no leader, whether good or bad, who can lead the nation into righteousness, only God does that. We are also part of the PPT and love their positive stand of support for our leaders. You are in my prayers and definitely keep up the good work.
Jennie (Mt. 6:33 & Is. 55:12)
Thank you for sharing this Phyllis, it helped me put into words the thoughts that I wanted to share with my husband, who was very upset about the outcome of the election. I too have signed up to pray with you and others for our leaders and country.
Blessings to you!
I just read that there are over 27,000 people signed up to pray for president elect Obama! Now there’s a victory! Phyllis
Thank you for this! I have a prayer guide for President Bush that is nearly falling apart after 8 years! It is so good to keep our focus on what we CAN do, and now more than ever, our elected officials need prayer.
I am joining this and will be posting it on my blog!
Be sure to check out the Battle Hymn rendition that Valerie posted – its wonderful. Phyllis
Valerie Neal
Someone in my local group put this on our forum. It is hands down the most beautiful rendition of The Battle Hymn of the Republic I have ever heard. It will renew your patriotism, and give your faith a boost.
Proud Army Guard mom,
Thank you for this reminder. I’ve been listening to so many folks sound so upset and defeated today. God is in all. He has a plan for all things. We really need to relax and trust that His will is perfect. No one comes into power without His allowing it to be so. THanks for encouraging me. God Bless.
I’m so glad you found it helpful. I think a lot of people are needing reminders today the the Lord is definately still in control. Blessings, Phyllis
Thank you for this posting–just what I needed to turn my heart back to the Lord’s purposes and to encourage me to behave like a Christian!
God bless you!
Your articles are such an encouragement. I too got the email from NDP and signed up for the 77 days of prayer information to my email to remember to pray> and I passed it out to my home school group too! God Blessings on America during this as you put it with the feelings that
I have had too!