What a whirlwind month this has been. We took an extended planning time this year – a full week – because we had so many important things to pray about and discuss. It also gave us additional time to be relaxed and enjoy our family a bit more since my husband’s job has been particularly demanding. His job was one of the big items on our agenda.
As you know if you’ve read our bookPurposeful Planning, the first thing we do each year is to look over our notes from last year and make a list of the Lord’s provisions and what we’ve accomplished from our previous year’s list.
This year it was particularly encouraging to see the Lord’s provision in many areas, since we were bringing some difficult issues to our discussions and when times are tough it is very easy to lose perspective.
We were amazed at all we had accomplished. We had both come together rather disheartened and discouraged, thinking about the different difficult situations we had survived and still have to face, and had lost sight of all that the Lord had done in the midst of those hard times.
If we had gone no farther I would still have considered our planning time a success, because it helped us to get our eyes off our circumstance and on the Lord.
Just as our foundation verse says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish:” Proverbs 29:18 we had lost sight of our vision, the vision the Lord has given us each time we spend time seeking His plans for us as a family and as individuals.
Here are some posts about Purposeful Planning from two members of The Old Schoolhouse staff:
Getting ready for our first-ever Purposeful Planning weekend as a family! Has anyone ever used Phyllis Sather‘s wonderful resource? I read through it again today and made our list of areas to discuss! Assistant to the Director of Operation & Finance at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC
Donna Leonhardt Campos Awesome! Make it a great and very productive weekend. I love Purposeful Planning. I wasn’t sure about it, sort of had the attitude that I would ‘already know that, been there done that’ but I sooooo didn’t know enough. Great help, and God will bless you for the commitment and taking the time! Enjoy! ((hugs)) Administrative Support Manager at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC
My next post will deal with reasons you should consider havimg a planning time for your family.
Finding Joy in the Journey,
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