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Persistent Love – free Novella set in 1685 England

free Novella set in 1685 England

Today I get to share a book by Laura Marshall set in one of my favorite places, England. Its free today so I wanted to be sure to let you all know about it. I hope it blesses you.

Download on Kindle
Free Tuesday May 14th and Wednesday May 15th
Persistent Love:
Christian Romantic Suspense Novella set in 1685, England.

Fear has been Tara’s constant companion since age nine when she witnessed her mother’s murder. Tara’s father moves his family to the ancient castle of Raven’s Cliff, far from the ships that could carry her back to India and the answers she believes lie there. Andrew offers her friendship and guides her gently to the One who will give her peace. Will she find hope for something other than revenge?

A Brief Q&A with the Author, Laura J. Marshall.
Q: How do you react to a bad review of one of your books?

A: It is hard to read a bad review of your book. To release something that you’ve spent months, sometimes years on and then have it knocked around, is difficult. I try to remind myself that different people like different sorts of books, so I can’t please everyone. Also, I actually do take the comments to heart, pray over what the reviewer has said, and see if there is something I can take away and use to better myself in the craft.

Laura J. Marshall is the full-time mother of five sons and part-time writer and blogger. She operates a popular blog called The Old Stone Wall. Laura is the best-selling author of the Battle Cry Devotional Series. Visit to find out more about Laura’s books.

Finding Joy in the Journey

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