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Pinterest Perfect Holiday Celebrations

Pinterest Perfect Holiday Celebrations

Did you all have your picture perfect holiday celebrations for Thanksgiving?

Your decorating challenged every picture perfect plan in all the magazines, every bit of your food was delicious enough to be served at the White House, all of your family members were in perfect health and there were no family squabbles? No one needed to lose any weight so you were all able to eat as much of everything as you wanted. You were the perfect hostess and your guests were the perfect guests.

My guess would be, probably not. Am I just cynical, or could I have had the opportunity to peek into your living rooms and kitchens?

Neither of the above, I’ve just lived long enough to know that the picture perfect holiday doesn’t exist.

Just in my own sphere of friends I have the following:

A sister with a lump that they are sure is cancer — surgery scheduled for December.

A wife with brain cancer was given 2 years to live.

A father who died very unexpectedly 2 days before Thanksgiving — he had cancer but was told he still had a couple of weeks. They had planned to say their “good—byes” at Thanksgiving.

Children who have made decisions that left everyone hurting and in turmoil

Families without jobs or income, savings is quickly disappearing

Family members living too far apart to get together

All this is happening in just in my little corner of the world.

So how is it that we all imagine everyone else having a perfectly marvelous holiday and it is only us in one of the above situations?

This is where the myth of the perfect holiday comes into play. That is the answer — the perfect holiday is a myth — it doesn’t exist.

[Tweet “That is the answer — the perfect holiday is a myth — it doesn’t exist.”]

I feel a bit like Scrooge — telling you there is no Easter bunny and no Santa Claus, but… how many holidays have you allowed to be ruined because they were not your idea of perfect?

We all have an idea of what is perfect. For one it might be just the right people involved, for some picture perfect food, and for some the right gift or just the right “feelings”.

Holidays have a way of making us want fairy tale happenings come to life.[Tweet “Holidays have a way of making us want fairy tale happenings come to life.”]

So what do you do if you find yourself caught in one of the above scenarios or something similar?

First of all, thank the Lord. That’s right, be thankful.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

The Lord knows it is a holiday and he knows your situation, and He still wants you to give thanks.

Second, rejoice — always means just that — always

Philippians l 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice.”

Third, memorize Scriptures that will help you in your situation.

Psalm 119:2 “Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”

Forth, humble yourself and ask the Lord to give you the needed grace for whatever situation you are in.

James 4:6 “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”

Last, watch for the victory you will have in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks [be] to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Phyllis Sather

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  • Lauren
    Posted December 5, 2015 at 6:39 AM

    Wow! I’m so sorry to hear of all those hardships within your reach. I’ll be sure to say an extra prayer for you today.
    No, my own life and decor is far from perfect.

    Thanks for linking up with the FrugalMommas team!

  • Linda S
    Posted December 4, 2015 at 11:45 AM

    I can relate. I do love visiting pinterest and all the ideas there, but sometimes I have to step back and and just enjoy where I am with what I have and who I’m with. Thanks for the encouraging words today!

  • Belinda
    Posted December 3, 2015 at 11:54 PM

    So true Phyllis. We burden ourselves with these expectations – none of which celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

  • Belinda
    Posted December 3, 2015 at 11:45 PM

    Good point! If our Christmas truly is about Jesus – it can be about Jesus regardless of our circumstances.

  • Elizabeth
    Posted December 17, 2010 at 5:26 AM

    Great post! Very True! I think the key for me is determining to make each holiday special in its own way — there will be sorrows and disppoinments and things that go wrong — but with the right attitude, it can still be a special day. The steps you gave were excellent.

    My pastor from our beloved church in SC was seriously ill and in the hospital on thanksgiving. But, his precious family (of 10 children) made the best of it. People from the church brought plenty of food to the house and some of the family packed plates for him and whomever was at the hospital with him that day and took over there. They ate and praised God and were a testimony to all around them. Some friends (including one of my daughters) shared Thanksgiving Day with those at home. They ate, played games, went on a hike — in other words, stayed busy and made special memoories anyway. so, it wasn’t what they expected, but they still transformed the day into one they will Always Remember.

    I sacrificed too — since my daughter was there and not here. At home, one of my daughters was too sick to eat Thanksgiving meal, as was Abby (my son Jooe’s girlfriend) whoo was visiting from FL. So, no it was not picture perfect, but we made the best oof it!

    Thanks for your heart-felt post! Hoope my comment was noot toooo long! (And sorry about all the Os! there must be crumbs in my keyboard because I keep getting doouble Os! Too lazy to goo back and edit!)

  • Phyllis
    Posted December 16, 2010 at 7:05 PM

    Our Christmas is really different this year so I keep reminding myself and the family that the Lord knows what we need. Perhaps we needed to let go of some of our traditions so we can spend more time focusing on the Lord.

  • Shannon
    Posted December 16, 2010 at 1:37 PM

    A good reminder as we head into the holidays where the world sees the wrappings, but are never satisfied with the gift. Let us all thank the Lord for the wonderful gift He’s given to us to comfort and keep us even through our Not So Martha Stewart Holidays.

  • Kim @ In Our Write Minds
    Posted December 16, 2010 at 12:56 PM

    Good thoughts, Phyllis. It’s so easy to fall prey to the perfection myth, isn’t it?

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