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I Looked Into the Eyes of my Children

I Looked Into the Eyes of my ChildrenI recently read this poem by my friend Donna. It made me painfully aware of the needs in my own life and the ongoing necessity for me to live my faith daily for my family. Since this can only be done in the Lord’s strength it inevitably brought me to my knees before the Lord. I pray it will do the same for each of you.

Be sure to explore Donna’s website listed at the bottom of her poem. I am blessed by the Godly wisdom in each of her newsletters.

I Looked Into the Eyes of My Children by Donna Reish

I looked into the eyes of my children, surprised by what I did see,
For I thought I’d see the face of Jesus, staring back at me.
But instead when I looked into their hearts, what I saw was a big surprise.
For instead I saw me–their mother—reflected in their eyes.

All that I wish I wasn’t; all that I’d like to change,
Was reflected right there in my children—in many different ways.
All the things I wanted them to change; all the things I dislike the most,
Were merely reflections of me–things I should have already known.

I cried to the Lord, “Forgive me, for pressuring them, you see,
To be things that I was not willing—or even able to be.

When I heard an older one say, in a very selfish tone,
“I’ll give you my very best toy, if you’ll only leave me alone.”
I saw manipulation taking place, and suddenly knew where it was learned,
For I, too, can be the very same way—the very way I spurned.

When I saw one of them wanting the best–I thought, “What a selfish child,”
Then saw myself being selfish in just a very short while.
When I heard one of them talking angrily, I couldn’t believe my ears,
Until a few minutes later–my own voice did I hear!

I saw one of them putting frivolities before the things of the Lord,
And then saw me with my magazines, instead of God’s holy Word.

Day after day, God showed me, my children learn what they live,
And before I can help them to change, I must be willing to give–
Yes, give up the things that hold me from being, what God wants me to be,
And willing to be an example–of Jesus—for my children to see.

Now when I see negative character–reflected in my children’s eyes,
I look into the mirror–for it’s no longer such a surprise.
Instead of asking them to change, I ask God to work in me,
And day by day, changes in them take place—and Christ I am able to see.

Donna Reish is a homeschooling mother of seven who lives near Fort Wayne, Indiana. She and her husband (along with their grown children) operate Training for Triumph Family Ministries, a writing, speaking, and publishing business and ministry. You can learn more about them, including about their complete language arts program, Character Quality Language Arts, at

Finding Joy in the Journey,

Phyllis Sather
Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness at:

© 2007 Phyllis Sather

1 Comment

  • Deanne
    Posted August 9, 2007 at 8:34 AM

    Thank you for sharing this Phyllis! OUCH! This one hurts…I see areas where I need to seek my children’s forgiveness (AGAIN!)
    Love Deanne

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