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Less REALLY can be More!

Less could also be more if your own finances are tight and you could use your unused items to pay off a bill or give your budget a little breathing space.

First I wanted to say a special hello to all you who have recently signed up for my newsletters. I appreciate your decision to keep in touch with me and look forward to getting to know you better.

Second, I hope you will enjoy the new simpler format. I’ve come to the decision that sometimes less is more.

I recently realized that when I was trying to decide on new tile for our entry. Have you been to a tile shop recently? Well it’s quite a trip! There are hundred’s and hundreds of choices.

If you know me at all, you know I don’t do well with too many choices. I’m always the last to decide what I want when we eat out, and in some cases I just have the same thing every time we go to that restaurant.

So when confronted with the dozens of choices for tile, and the suggestion that we needed some “splash” for the entry, I was quickly overwhelmed. As we looked at the patterns and dozens of complicated ways they could be laid, my head began to spin.

Finally I decided I just couldn’t do any of it. I chose a dark grey tile with some texture and 2 inch black granite decorative tiles and had them laid on the diagonal.

Personally, I think the result is stunning! I told Dan I think we need a chandelier in the entry now. See… less is often more.


This can be true in so many things. How many places can you think of in your home (or garage) where less would be more? By that I mean less would mean more space, less work to keep things organized, less effort to care for all your “stuff.”

Less would also mean more that you could share with others who have needs, either by looking for someone who needs your extras or having a garage sale with the proceeds going to help some needy family.  Or you could simply donate your extras to the Salvation Army or local thrift shop. We have one near us that uses all their proceeds to help unwed mothers.

Less could also be more if your own finances are tight and you could use your unused items to pay off a bill or give your budget a little breathing space.

I would love to have the opportunity to keep in touch with you. Please sign up to be notified of new entries and to receive my Free E-zine. (Your address will not be shared)

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Phyllis Sather
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  • Mobile News Blog
    Posted April 26, 2009 at 3:44 PM

    Hello, I think your site is very useful. I learned some new things here that will help my own blogging. Gretta

  • simple lifestyles
    Posted April 25, 2009 at 2:29 AM

    Hi, I think your site is great! I learned some new and different things here. Rhonda

  • Phyllis
    Posted April 22, 2009 at 2:38 PM

    Did either of you see the article I posted awhile back by Jill Cooper? Here is a link – Let me know what you think. Phyllis

  • Darea
    Posted April 20, 2009 at 2:56 PM

    I can totally relate to your less can really be more. In my case, it would bring a lot more peace and definately would be less work to keep organized and cleaned.

  • Servant
    Posted April 20, 2009 at 9:06 AM

    So true! I am embracing this idea more and more.

    Happy that I came across your site. It’s wonderful and I am subscribing to your RSS feed. I have just started a new place. Please feel free to visit.

    Very nice to meet you, Angie

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