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Learning How To Trust

Hi Ladies,

How is everyone doing with staying home?

  • Are you building and/or repairing relationships with your family members?
  • Having all this family time can bring difficulties to the surface.
  • I’m praying for you.
  • Please let me know if you have a special need.

It’s been a while so I wanted to let you know I’m still here. Breast cancer has certainly slowed me down, but that isn’t always bad.

I’m finishing my three weeks of recovery time on Monday and seeing the oncologists today to decide what the next step will be.

I was grousing about not being able to do things three days after surgery. My wise son told me they gave me three weeks to recover, not three days.

How To Trust

  • Being closed in like this has given most of more time to think.
  • We’ve also seen our weaknesses and the weaknesses of our family members.
  • Instead of running from this, it’s a great time to seek the Lord and allow him to help you turn your weaknesses into strengths.

Simple Ways To Help You Learn How To Trust

  • The most important thing you can do is to spend time in God’s Word and listen for His still small voice.
  • Memorize Scripture or phrases that remind you how much the Lord loves you and promises to care for you. I often tell myself “God’s got this.”
  • When I go to bed and my mind reflects on all the what-ifs. I even hold out my hands, palms up, and say something like, “Here, Lord. I give them all to you.”
  • Tensing my shoulders when I worry or feel stressed is a habit of mine. As soon as I notice it I take a deep breath, blow it out, and purposefully relax my shoulders as I release my cares to the Lord. Sometimes I need to do this more than once.
  • The sooner you recognize that you are worrying and release your cares to the Lord, the easier it will be to turn it around.
  • The longer you wallow in negative thoughts, the longer it will take to get free.
  • Express gratefulness, especially for the little things that we take for granted.



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