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Giving it all to Jesus

Giving it all to Jesus. I’m not an artist, but today I want to try to paint you a picture that the Lord gave me on Sunday – and we all know that a picture is worth a thousand words. #Jesus #family #faith

Recently I’ve been struggling to give several areas of my life over totally to the Lord. They are areas I know I can’t control, but I continually struggle to get my hands into the mix and “help” the Lord do the right thing.

I’m not an artist, but today I want to try to paint you a picture that the Lord gave me on Sunday – and we all know that a picture is worth a thousand words.

During the first part of our church service we had the three-year-old daughter of friends sitting with us. When it came time for the offering, this little girl took her small zippered coin purse, unzipped it, tipped it upside down over the offering plate, and shook it until all three pennies fell into the offering plate. Then with a contented, satisfied look on her face she zipped her coin purse back up and handed it to her mother.

Tears came to my eyes, and do so again as I write this. Such a simple picture of what the Lord is asking me to do.

Lord, help me today, to unzip my coin purse of worries, tip it upside down over your capable, loving hands, shake all of them out, zip my purse up, and put it away, leaving You to look after all my worries and cares.

Finding Joy in the Journey,

Phyllis Sather
Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness at:

©2008 Phyllis Sather


  • Jennie Heberg
    Posted July 8, 2008 at 2:41 AM

    I often think I have given over to Him all the things that pertain to life for me, then I see the innocent, honest and unrestrained trust and faith of a small child and see that I’m not as open as I might think I am. Thank you for painting that word picture for me. There are not as many ‘widow’s mite’ moments in life as there should be, are there?
    God bless you! I really do enjoy your writings. Fabulous!

  • Darea Rivera
    Posted May 7, 2008 at 10:02 PM

    I find your articles or thougths very timely to what I am either going through or just feeling. Thank you for allowing your life to touch others through your writing. Blessings to you and your family.

  • Maridel
    Posted May 7, 2008 at 3:57 PM

    Thank you for the lovely word picture…

  • Brad
    Posted May 7, 2008 at 10:14 AM

    Beautiful story.


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