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Chariots to Carry

I have not a shadow of doubt that if all our eyes could be opened today, we should see our homes, and our places of business, and the streets we traverse, filled with the "chariots of God.I have a lot of friends – myself included – who are struggling with difficulties of every sort. One has a very ill child, another has an unbelieving husband, still another whose husband is unemployed. No matter what the problem, Jesus is the answer.

When I read this devotional by Hannah Whitall Smith, I couldn’t help but wonder how the Lord would use the difficulties in my life and the lives of those I love.

Even to your old age, I am He; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you; I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.–ISAIAH 46:4

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels; the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.–PSALMS 68:17

I have not a shadow of doubt that if all our eyes could be opened today, we should see our homes, and our places of business, and the streets we traverse, filled with the “chariots of God.” There is no need for any one of us to walk for lack of chariots. That cross inmate of your household, who has hitherto made life a burden to you, and who has been the Juggernaut car to crush your soul into the dust, may henceforth be a glorious chariot to carry you to the heights of heavenly patience and long-suffering. That misunderstanding, that mortification, that unkindness, that disappointment, that loss, that defeat,–all these are chariots waiting to carry you to the very heights of victory you have so longed to reach. Mount into them, then, with thankful hearts, and lose sight of all second causes in the shining of His love who will carry you in His arms safely and triumphantly over it all.
— Hannah Whitall Smith

This may sound simplistic, but I realized this morning that the Lord’s plan for me is to make me more like Jesus and then take me home to live with Him forever.  The questions is this; am I willing to go through whatever it takes to make me more like Jesus? Are you?

Finding Joy in the Journey,

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Sometimes I link to:

 A Wise Woman Builds Her House

At The Picket Fence

An Original Belle

Becoming a strong woman of God

Blessed Beyond A Doubt

Comfy In the Kitchen

Deep Roots AT Home

Delightful Homemaking for the Lord

Encourage My Heart

Far Above Rubies

Finding Joy

Good Morning Girls

Growing Home

Heavenly Homemakers!

Holy Spirited Homeschooling

Homemaker by Choice

lowercase letters

Marital oneness

Mom’sthe Word

Passionate and Creative Homemaking

Raising Homemakers

Simply Living For Him

Teaching What is Good

The Modest Mom

The Better Mom

Time-Warp Wife

What Joy is Mine

Wifey Wednesdays 

Women Living Well




  • Judith
    Posted August 8, 2012 at 7:34 PM

    I love Hannah Whitall Smith’s writing. I’m going to read her book again. When I read it several years ago, it was such an encouragement as I was going through some extremely deep waters. It is so true that our difficulties in life are the chariots to carry us to greater heights of patience and longsuffering. I am not the same nor will I ever be because of the things God HAS allowed to cross my paths. Thank you so much for this post.

  • Phyllis
    Posted August 8, 2012 at 3:38 PM

    This is a letter I received privately, but Mary Ann was gracious enough to allow me to share it so we can all learn from her story.

    One time I went from a job to living by faith in a move I made it was to my shame with a man and we got caught up in a cult BUT I did learn a lot too. We lived by faith. We ran a used appliance business fix and sell whatever we made that day pd our bills and we ate. Only once in a bit over 1 yr. did we go to bed hungry.

    I learned so much that God does care for me He took care of me and my son. It was a hard lesson well learned. I left the man I was told by the cult leader it was ok to just live together but the more I got into my Bible I knew it was wrong just because she did and made it seem right it was wrong and I was obedient and came home no money no job no home again God watched out for me in 5 days I had a job and in 4 months that was turned into full time and I was able to purchase a home to live in it wasn’t the greatest but it was soon mine.

    I can tell you no matter what God is watching over His beloved people. I am now retired and able to do ok with my pension He so blessed me with. I have just been taking a class with some other ladies in my church about tithing I felt I was tithing but it was not all going to the church, so now my 10% goes to my church and then missions. I have to feed my church and get fed too. God is so great and He will meet people’s needs not always their wants but their needs. This country is so bent on materialism it is disgusting. Gor other problems just have to trust in our Lord and Saviour He knows.
    Mary Ann

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