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Frazzled Mom and After My Coffee Link-up!

Frazzled Mom and After My Coffee Link-up!

There must be someone I can blame for my schedule this week,

but I’m not sure it is anyone’s fault but my own.

Do you ever do that? Add just one more thing, then another, until suddenly you realize you have way too much on your plate?

[Tweet “Do you ever do that? Add just one more thing, then another, until suddenly you realize you have way too much on your plate?”]

I can’t imagine why I scheduled all of this during the four days before we leave on vacation.

  • my yearly physical and all of that “female stuff” that takes a half a day or more
  • the stray cat’s ear exam, – this is our third stray cat
  • installation of new bathroom counter tops which includes removing everything from in and on the cabinet and putting it back
  • haircuts
  • trip preparations
  • in addition to all my regular meal preparation, laundry, etc.

I did get to skip a bit of cleaning since removing and installing bathroom counters is going to make a mess anyway. But that leaves me cleaning on Thursday before we leave so I don’t have to come back home to it.

frazzled-mumStay@home mom Blogspot

[Tweet “So as I turn my frazzled mind to the Lord, I try to remember and apply the Word to my situation.”]

“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30

My Favorite post from last week:

Read the post at Growing Up In The Lord

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